We are incredibly thankful for our partners who have contributed time, energy and resources to our kids
Kids Ocean Day would not be possible without the support and love we receive from our partners. Their assistance allows us to host a successful event each year, helping to fund even the littlest detail. Their belief in our mission allows us to come back each and every year to do what we love — share our admiration for the beach and advocate for a healthy planet. We couldn’t be more grateful.

California Coastal Commission’s Adopt-A-Beach Program
California Coastal Commission’s Whale Tail License Plate Fund
California Department of Conservation
California State Coastal Conservancy
Circle K International — Cal State Long Beach
City of Los Angeles Mayor & City Council
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf — Marina del Rey
Debbie Manning
Green Goddess
Heal The Bay Ocean Discovery Center
Irene Ritter Foundation
Jim & Gloria Hopper
Joel & Carrel Hoffman
John Gibson & Gibbyart
John Quigley & Spectral Q
LA City Department of Public Works Stormwater Program
Lisa Boyle & Plastic Pollution Coalition
Los Angeles Board of Public Works
Los Angeles Conservation Corps
Los Angeles Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez, 7th District
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors
Los Angeles County Fire Department, Lifeguard Division
Los Angeles Unified School District
Los Angeles Urban Resources Partnership
Los Angeles World Airports
M & U Traders T-Shirts
National Resource Defense Council
Ronald E. Shapiro @ Shirpiro & Silverstein PLLC
Sabina Cabe & Show Biz Kidz Foundation
Sea Grant — USC
SJ Linking Systems
Statewide Signs
The Bay Foundation www.santamonicabay.org
The Helping Ann's Cleaning Service
Tom & Kathy Albert
Wendi Malick
Partner with Kids Ocean Day
We are incredibly grateful for the support of our partnerships around the Los Angeles area. There are many ways to partner with Kids Ocean Day, so please contact us to learn how your organization can get involved.