Inspiring the next generation of environmental activists through education and hands-on experiences
History Education Beach Event Aerial Art Community
It all started with a love for the ocean
In 1991, Michael Klubock, a sailor turned environmental educator, channeled his love for the beach into the creation of a school assembly education effort. He wanted to get more kids to the beach and in touch with nature. While developing and presenting the program to the schools, he established the Malibu Foundation for Environmental Education and Kids Ocean Day. Since then, Kids Ocean Day has expanded along the length of the California coast, from Humboldt County to San Francisco, south to Huntington Beach and San Diego and across the Pacific Ocean to Hong Kong.

A comprehensive environmental education program
Kids Ocean Day consists of school presentations, lesson plans, student art, live beach events, and aerial art projects. We utilize each asset to educate students on their environmental impact, and challenge them to recycle, reduce litter and participate in beach clean-ups. These interactive and firsthand experiences motivate kids to play an active role in caring for their environment and increase the likelihood that this behavior becomes part of their lifestyle.
Our outreach footprint
Kids Ocean Day works with thousands of students across the Los Angeles area. We’re always looking to expand our reach to make the biggest impact possible. Our focus on high needs communities has resulted in getting more kids to the beach, many for the first time.

Kids Ocean Day is about that first WOW moment of pure joy when a kid who has never been to the beach before steps off the bus, falls in love and thinks they can save the Earth - we believe that first moment of DISCOVERY is the catalyst for a lifetime of caring for the planet
A day of pure joy and magic at the beach
The Kids Ocean Day annual field trip provides students a fun, hands-on opportunity to experience the beach. By bringing classroom lessons and the school assembly to life, the day helps enhance what students have learned by directly connecting kids to nature. Kids participate in a beach clean-up, create Aerial Art and spend the afternoon playing in the sand. It is a tangible and compelling way to focus their attention on the issues of local pollution and foster a sense of personal responsibility. At the same time, it allows kids to bask in the wonders of the ocean and the beach. These field trips have been the most magical part of the environmental education program.
Aerial art
On the day of the beach event, kids gather together and form human aerial art designs that gives them an opportunity to be artists and to be part of something larger than themselves. It is a way for them to express their love and concerns to the world.

Meeting community needs in Los Angeles
The children of Los Angeles are often overwhelmed with negative information about their environment — crime, poverty, earthquakes, lack of jobs and the deterioration of nature, including urban run-off, marine debris, beach litter and plastic. The Kids Ocean Day program aims to shine a light on the beauty in this world and the positive effects these kids can have on it. By giving them access to valuable information and a chance to experience the beauty of the beach, we are motivating them to alter their lifestyle for the better and make a difference in the world.